Effective Altruism NYC


Effective Altruism New York City is the main hub for the effective altruism community in The Big Apple. They began in 2013 as a casual meetup group for New Yorkers interested in the early ideas of EA and have grown into a small nonprofit supporting a community of over one thousand individuals motivated by or interested in incorporating EA ideals in their lives.

Their goal is to ensure that every member of the EA NYC community feels empowered to do the most good they can through fostering an accessible, inspiring, and productive community. They host weekly events, including reading and discussion groups, socials and networking meetings, and speaker presentations that bring in incredible leaders from around the world to share their experiences fighting global poverty, reducing the suffering of animals, safeguarding the long-term future, and much more. They also curate a monthly newsletter that helps New Yorkers find meaningful career opportunities, stay apprised of the latest developments in the larger EA community, and access opportunities for grants, fellowships, and more.