Lindsay Oliver

In short, I’ve always been drawn to helping animals. My parents would tell me when I was little, when visiting friends or family, I would immediately snuggle up with their cat or dog. I went vegetarian at age 7 (later, vegan) after learning animals were on my plate. At the time, it was very raw, simple, clear. Animals were my friends, how could we eat them.

As I grew up, I started learning more about all of the horrible ways animals are treated and it further fueled my desire to make the world a better place for them. I spent many years as an undercover animal cruelty investigator, documenting abuse inside zoos, circuses, pet stores, factory farms, and animal agriculture to show the world the cruelty inherent to these industries. Now, I’m the Executive Director at World Animal Protection, and we’re a fierce team on a mission to change the way the world works to end animal cruelty and suffering. Forever.

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